The Praise of Folly (Encomium moriae 『痴愚神礼讃』1509)

The Praise of Folly (Encomium moriae 『痴愚神礼讃』1509)
Erasmus of Rotterdam (c. 1466-1536) is one of the greatest figures of the Renaissance humanist movement, which abandoned medieval pieties in favour of a rich new vision of the individual's potential. Praise of Folly, written to a...muse his friend Sir Thomas More, is Erasmus's best-known work. Its dazzling mixture of fantasy and satire is narrated by a personification of Folly, dressed as a jester, who celebrates youth, pleasure, drunkenness and sexual desire, and goes on to lambast human pretensions, foibles and frailties, to mock theologians and monks and to praise the folly' of simple Christian piety. Erasmus's wit, wordplay and wisdom made the book an instant success, but it also attracted what may have been sales-boosting criticism.

piety: 敬虔さ、dazzling: 素晴らしい
satirize:~を風刺する、皮肉る、Folly: 痴愚神
jester: 道化師、lambaste 厳しく批判する
pretension: 〔中身のない〕気取り、見せ掛け,
foible: 〔性格上の〕弱点、frailty:意志の弱さ、誘惑に陥りやすいこと
mock: あざ笑う、ばかにする、theologian: 神学者
wordplay: しゃれ、言葉の軽妙なやりとり、sales-boosting: 販売を引き上げる。

痴愚女神モリアー Moria の名前はギリシア語で「痴愚」「狂気」を意味する語であり、モア More のラテン名モルス Morus から連想されたものである。本書はトマス・モアに捧げられている。